Learn More About Painting With Promain

Promain are creating a Knowledge Hub to help customers not only professionals but DIY’ers to learn and understand more about the type of paint to apply to different substrates and in different environments. This technical information hub has been designed to assist you with all of your painting projects.

We have put together a technical Knowledge Hub that covers all aspects of many painting projects that Promain have been involved with over the last 30 years. This knowledge extends from surface preparation to application of the paint and surface coatings and much more.

We have created a variety of introductory media such as comprehensive video guides explained in simple to understand format by Tony from our technical team. Tony will cover various painting projects sharing his painting know how with you, offering you tips for your projects. His aim is to make the whole painting process easy and stress free, helping you to achieve a perfect finish that lasts, be it from a simple DIY project to industrial applications such as industrial roofing, steel protection for roofings, etc.

We have also produced a selection of Case Studies covering a range of different projects carried out by contractors, from masonry painting to steel protection. These Case Studies will provide all the detail of projects which you can then draw knowledge from to help complete the project you are currently planning or executing.

This will ultimately help you to determine the correct paint system for your individual needs and allowing you to make a purchase confidently. Following your chosen paint system. Often people find manufacturers product data sheets to be confusing and difficult to understand. Our aim is to help people digest this information in an easy manner.

Following your selection, you can refer to our printable How To Guides. These guides will cover the basic information required from preparation to application of the primer, mid coat and top coat and that the products are compatible.

Many of the Specification Guides are produced by the manufacturers and the systems that they are proposing have been tested by independent laboratories providing data in regards to life expectancy to first maintenance. These are used extensively by clients such as London Underground Limited and Transport for London.

If there are any paints, coatings or subjects you wish us to cover, please contact us and we will do our best to provide the information required so that you and the next customer can refer to this information or simply watch the video.