Promain are working with Network Rail and London Underground to develop a solution to the growing problem of cable theft. Development of Identi-Coat, a non-drying coating which is easy to apply by brush can solve this issue.
Choose your own colour combination
Firstly, Identi-Coat offers a unique coating colour for your company. It contains tracer particles offering 6, 8 or 10 layers to your own unique colour combination – offering 37 million combinations. Clients can choose their own colour combination to reflect their corporate colour scheme. Each customer has a custom code. To ensure security of your unique code every code, Promain certify and register each order in on the manufacturer’s database.
Preventing Cable Theft
Tracer particles are not visible to the naked eye. Furthermore, they can incorporate optional features into the tracer particles – fluorescent and/ or magnetic. Anybody who can distinguish colours can be a field expert in identification. Simple to use with a UV light to make visual inspection to determine whether tracer particles are present. There is no requirement for the analysis to be undertaken by an independent laboratory. However, Promain would be happy to arrange independent analysis if you require this. In conclusion, simplicity is the key feature of this unique product.
Finally, a spokesman for the Association of Train Operating Companies said:
“Cable theft causes thousands of incidents of disruption every year. Criminals’ thoughtless actions lead to a significant number of delays and cancellations every week. The rail industry is working hard to tackle the organised gangs and opportunist thieves who are causing the problems. Therefore, to deal with the problem more effectively, we need tighter regulation on the sale of scrap metal. We also need tougher sentences for offenders.”