Recently Kestrel Overbanding Tape distributed by Promain has gained HAPAS approval and certification from the British Board of Agrément. This means that the product has been approved by the BAA and their committee of technical advisors for use on British Highways.
By specifying Kestrel overbanding tape for highways projects you can be confident the product has undergone rigorous testing required to gain HAPAS certification. All the relevant documentation required to satisfy the highways agency and local authority’s alike that the product is fit for the intended application are available.
Kestrel has also gone above and beyond the minimum requirements for SRV (skid resistance value). The SRV for kestrel overbanding tape is in excess of 75. In addition to this increase, SRV kestrel have also embedded a bauxite anti-slip aggregate rather than glass beads into the over banding tape. Embedding the aggregate in this way means the SRV is much longer lasting and is not compromised with wear to the surface of the tape caused by vehicle traffic.
What is the The Highway Authorities’ Product Approval Scheme?
The Highways Authorities’ Product Approval Scheme or HAPAS was started in 1995. The main goal of the approval scheme was to develop a national approval and certification scheme for products and materials intended for use on UK highways. HAPAS is supported by a technical committee known as HiTAC. This committee is made up of representatives from the British Board of Agrément (BBA), the Highways Agency (HA), the Association of Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning and Transport (ADEPT), the Local Government Technical Advisers’ Group (TAG), the Mineral Product Association (MPA), the Highways Term Maintenance Association (HTMA) & the Civil Engineering Contractors Association (CECA).
Since its formation in 1995 the scheme has been so successful it has now been included and referred to in the Manual of contract Documents for Highway Works, Volume 1 Specification for Highway Works, Appendices C and F and the Design Manuals for Roads and Bridges. It is also becoming more common place for HAPAS approved products and materials being a requirement in local authority highways specifications.
How is a HAPAS Certificate For Overbanding Tape Obtained?
In order for a product or material to obtain a HAPAS Certificate it has to undergo rigorous testing and evaluation. This process involves extensive laboratory and road tests, site inspections, performance trials and an evaluation of manufacturing and production. The data from this testing process is then collated and presented to BBA’s team of technical experts. They then assess and evaluate the findings to ascertain if the product is suitable for certification. If the technical team deems the product suitable for approval a draft certificate is drawn up. It is then presented to the HiTAC committee for their comments. Once the committee has assessed the draft certificate and is satisfied with the findings, only then will HAPAS certification be issued.
In order for a product or material to retain its certification the manufacturers have to ensure BBA the performance, manufacturing processes and specification of the product is maintained to the required HAPAS standard. For BBA to be satisfied these standards are being met and maintained, they conduct a minimum of two surveillance visits per year and three-yearly reviews of the product’s performance in use.
The BBA HAPAS certification scheme continues to provide confidence for both highways authorities, manufacturers, specifiers and contractors. When specifying a HAPAS certified product you can be sure it has been thoroughly tested. They are continually accessed for quality, performance and safety. In addition to Kestrel Overbanding Tape other products such as High-friction surfacing, crack sealing, thin surfacing and highway anti-corrosion paints have been covered under HAPAS Guideline Certification.
If you require further information on HAPAS certified products stocked by Promian or require assistance with a highways specification. Do not hesitate to contact our in house technical team on 01462 421 33 option 2. Our technical team will provide advice, guidance and produce specifications based on your individual project requirements.