On the 16th January 2015, the Daily Mail posted a provocative account titled:
Pensioner whose life was ‘made hell’ by local children is charged… because his anti-vandal paint ruined yobs’ clothes
It reported that a pensioner had been charged with causing criminal damage following his use of an anti-vandal / anti-climb paint on a building at the bottom of his garden.
Anti-Vandal Paint
To prevent local children from climbing across the top edge of his fence and onto an outhouse roof (from where stones were allegedly thrown at his window), Mr Brown had applied two-inch wide strips of anti-vandal paint to the surface of the roof.
The product would have been formulated to leave a substrate that had a slippery finish which wouldn’t dry. The purpose of anti-vandal paint is one of a deterrent. However, in relevance to this case, it had stuck to and subsequently dripped off the children’s clothes and onto the furniture and carpets in their home, allegedly causing nearly £4K of damage.
Display A Warning Sign!
Mr Brown was charged with criminal damage. Ironically, if Mr Brown had purchased his anti-vandal paint from Promain, we would have advised that he display a warning sign. This would undoubtedly have avoided this unfortunate outcome.
Banksy Artwork
Another newsworthy item, which included the use of anti-vandal protection was for, rather paradoxically, the attack on the Banksy Spy Booth Artwork in Cheltenham. Silver and dark red letters had been spray-painted over the piece of art.
Luckily, the artwork had been protected with an anti-graffiti paint – although there was still a possibility that the dark red and silver letters could seep through this protective coating. It proved to be a (successful) race against time in the subsequent Save The Banksy campaign. Having had the forethought of applying the addition of a protective coating, the use of an appropriate cleaner proved to be the saving grace.
Anti-Graffiti Products
Promain offers a good range of anti-graffiti products to our customers – whether it’s a shield, a coating or a cleaner – Promain provides a beneficial spectrum of products which assist in the provision of the required protection against graffiti vandalism.
Certainly, if Mr Brown had been in contact with Promain, he would have undoubtedly had a different outcome. Which is certainly what Promain aims to achieve for all our customers.
For information and advice on the correct product for your requirements, please contact the Promain Office.