Remmers Thinner V103

UN1263 (Class: 3, Pk Grp: III)
The suitable cleaning and thinning agent for various Remmers reactive resins that have not yet cured.
Available in 5 Litres
From £58.66 £48.88
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Product Description

Remmers Thinner V103 is the suitable cleaning and thinning agent for Remmers Epoxy Universal and various other reactive resins that have not yet cured.

Best Uses

Remmers Thinner V 103 is formulated for the cleaning of tools after using applicable Remmers polyurethane based binders. It is also suitable for the thinning of Remmers Epoxy Universal.


Please see the appropriate data sheet for the Remmers product you are looking to thin or clean up after. Make sure that the area is well ventilated during processing and drying.

If stored in the unopened original container in a cool, dry place protected from frost, the product will keep for at least 4 months. Please note, this product is for professional use only.

Technical Details
Components: Single Pack
Type: Thinner
VOC Content:
Shelf Life: If stored in the unopened original container in a cool, dry place protected from frost, the product will keep for at least 4 months.
Packaging: Available in 5 Litres
Product Data Sheet (142.92 kB)
Safety Data Sheet (426.64 kB)

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