Tor Torstrip ABS Water Based Stripping System

Non Hazardous
A fast acting water based paint stripper to remove existing multi layered paint from walls and ceilings.
Available in 20kg drums
From £529.86 £441.55
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Product Description

Tor Torstrip ABS is a fast acting water based paint stripper designed to remove existing multi layered paint from walls and ceilings.

Best Uses

Torstrip ABS is best suited for the removal of textured coatings such as Artex as well as multi layered existing coating on walls or ceilings. As a non toxic, non hazardous, low odour product, this paint stripper is fast and effective requiring no mechanical extraction. Torstrip ABS provides users with a viable option in areas where conventional solvent based stripping is not possible due to concerns regarding solvent odours.

Can be used as part of an asbestos removal process - professional use only. Note: recommended for removal of coatings over plasterboard (particularly paper-faced product) or other surfaces that may be softened or affected by a water-based product. The product will also soften and damage plastic surfaces – contact should be avoided with these surfaces.


Apply by brush or airless spray. Apply the product over the area requiring to be stripped. Cover with Torstrip Poutice sheeting to ensure the product doesn't dry out. Inspect regularly over the first 4 hours. Upon inspection if blistering has occurred, scrape off and reapply as necessary. Refer to datasheets for full detailed instructions.

Technical Details


  • Free from chlorinated hydrocarbons or other VOCs
  • Non hazardous

Technical info

Components: Single pack
Type: Water Based
Finish: N/A
Stock Colours: White / Milky
Tintable: No
VOC Content: Not applicable
Volume Solids: -
Suitable Substrates: Ceilings, walls, soffits, artex
Application Method: Brush
Theoretical Coverage: Up to 4 square metres per litre per coat
Storage: Store in a safe pace out of reach of children
Shelf Life: 3 Years
Packaging: Available in 20kg drums
Product Data Sheet (35.48 kB)
Safety Data Sheet (163.03 kB)

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