Sherwin Williams Macropoxy M922M - Formerly Leighs Epigrip M922M

Part A: UN1263 (Class: 3, Pk Grp: III), Part B: UN3469 (Class: 3.8, Pk Grp: III), Part C: UN3469 (Class: 3.8, Pk Grp: III)
A high solids, 2 pack epoxy brushing and spraying mastic, with micronised glass flake, aluminium and anti corrosives.
Available in 4 Litres in Aluminium
From £181.64 £151.37
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Product Description

Sherwin Williams Macropoxy M922M - Formerly Leighs Epigrip M922M is a high solid, 2 pack epoxy brushing and spraying mastic, pigmented with micronised glass flake, aluminium and anti corrosives.

Best Uses

Macropoxy M922M is best used as 1 or 2 coat maintenance system for short possessions on Network Rail applications. Suitable for anti-corrosive protection of blast cleaned steel, compatible with cathodic protection. Formulated for high build application by brush, allowing applicators to achieve full specified thickness in a single coat even on sharp edges and difficult access areas. Also recommended for application onto hand or mechanically prepared surfaces and or damp gingered blasted surfaces giving excellent wetting and adhesion characteristics. Suitable for application onto hot substrates up to 100°C


Manually prepare surfaces to a minimum standard of St3 BS EN ISO 8501-1:2007 at time of coating. Ensure surfaces are clean and free from all surface contamination. Macropoxy M922M can be applied by airless spray or brush.

Recommended Thinner is Sherwin Williams Thinner C9. It is possible to apply Macropoxy M922M onto a damp substrate, ie no running or pooled water by brush application. Ensure that the paint fully displaces any water on the substrate. Indefinitely self overcoatable provided the existing coating is suitably cleaned. Overcoating should occur within 14 days.

Compatible Overcoats: Acrolon C137V2, Acrolon C237, Acrolon 1850 and Acrolon 7300.

Technical Details


  • Network Rail Item 7.2.6
  • Network Rail Item M34/002
  • NATO Approval No. 8010-99-495-3873 (Aluminium)
  • Norsok M-501 System 4 (Pre Qualified)
  • Norsok M-501 System 7B (Pre Qualified)

Technical Info:

Components: Two Pack
Type: Epoxy
Finish: -
Stock Colours: Aluminium
Tintable: No
VOC Content: 146 g per litre
Volume Solids: 83 ± 4%
Suitable Substrates: Blast Cleaned Steel
Application Method: Brush, Airless Spray
Theoretical Coverage: 2.1 m2 per litre
Wet Film Thickness (WFT): 482 microns
Dry Film Thickness (DFT): 400 microns
Induction Time: -
Pot Life: 1.5 hours at 23°C
Touch Dry: 4 hours at 23°C
Overcoatable: 3 hours at 23°C
To Handle: 8 hours at 23°C
Cleaner / Thinner: Thinner No.9
Shelf Life: 2 years from date of production unopened or 'use by' date where specified
Packaging: Available in 4 Litres

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